
Showing posts from January, 2018
    The book I am currently reading is Someone to love me, by Anne Schraff. It's about a teenage girl named Cindy Gibson, and her struggles in life. She lives with her mother in a small apartment. Her mother doesn't really much pay attention to Cindy, she's either always working or with her boyfriend Raffie. Cindy doesn't like him because he's rude and disrespectful towards her. She also has a friend named Jamee and neighbors Mrs. Davis and Harold. Mrs. Davis is always there for Cindy. Cindy doesn't like going to school so she always skips it, but eventually goes. She gets an opportunity to draw for the school paper and takes it. A jock named Bobby Wallace gets her attention, he sweet talks her and so what they end up dating. Everybody knows he isn't good news but she sees a good side in him. He's a good boyfriend to her until he starts acting strange and gets mad quickly. He would do bad things to her, she would be so scared she didn't even tell her